This video diary provides greetings of some great musicians from the cast from various parts of the world!
In this video:
Rick Wakeman (special guest), Douglas R. Docker (arranger and lyricist), Frank Caruso (guitarist), Gabriels (arranger), Keiko Kumagai (arranger), Nicolas Waldo (arranger), Yannis Androulakakis (arranger), Andy Basiola (guitarist), Pier Gonella (guitarist), Tom Asvold (drummer), Mirkko De Maio (drummer), Mark Cross (drummer), John Macaluso (drummer), Atma Anur (drummer), Andy Midgley (guitarist), Marco Sfogli (guitarist).
The all-metal-stars Vivaldi Metal Project which involves more than 70 musicians from such bands as Yes, Helloween, Stratovarius, Rhapsody Of Fire, Yngwie J. Malmsteen, Ring Of Fire, Royal Hunt, Avantasia, Trans-Siberian Orchestra, Symphony X among others, presents a video diary about the recording of a metal version of the legendary classic masterpiece “The Four Seasons” by Antonio Vivaldi.
The international Vivaldi Metal Project was launched at the end of 2013 by keyboardist, composer and producer Mistheria (solo artist who also worked with such top artists as Bruce Dickinson, Rob Rock, Roy Z, etc.) together with co-producer, bassist Alberto Rigoni (solo artist, TwinSpirits). It has been a big challenge to re-arrange and to perform this classic masterpiece beloved by millions all over the globe in the vein of metal music power. It took about two years to form a cast and to arrange the stuff. The recordings started in June 2015. At the moment, the international team has finished most of the drum parts and started recording bass.
The album release is set on March 2016. It’s already available for pre-order via crowdfunding campaign on PledgeMusic as mp3 or CD with various exclusive options such as autographed CDs, CD special boxes, USB keys, Skype interviews, CME Xkey mobile keyboard + travel badge, online lessons and shows and more. A part of donations will be used for charity purposes. More information is available at http://www.pledgemusic.com/projects/vivaldi-metal/exclusives