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VMP admin
Dec 15, 2019
New Album Featured Artist - Singer and lyricist Nick Z Marino
Awesome singer Nick Z Marino joined us and is already in the studio working on vocal parts and lyrics.

VMP admin
May 13, 2015
Rachel ‘Iron Majesty’ Pedri
Rachel ‘Iron Majesty’ Pedri is an Australian singer. She had a love for Music from a very young Age, especially for Classical & Opera....

VMP admin
May 10, 2015
Dimitar Belchev
Dimitar Belchev is the lead vocalist of the Bulgarian experimental Metal band ViolentorY. His music experience is mainly related to the...

VMP admin
May 5, 2015
Giorgia Gueglio
Giorgia Gueglio is an Italian singer, voice of the heavy metal band Mastercastle. She started singing in 1994, following her passion for...

VMP admin
Mar 28, 2015
Csaba Zvekan
Csaba Zvekan is a musician and better known as the singer for Exorcism, Raven Lord, Sardonyx, Emergency and Warpdrive, also the singer...

VMP admin
Jan 29, 2015
Maria Diese
Maria Diese is a metal singer from Bulgaria. She sings in various band since 1998. After 2006 she is in the PERPETUUM MOBILE (vocals,...

VMP admin
Jan 7, 2015
Göran Nyström
Göran Nyström is a rock metal singer from Stockholm, Sweden. His first full length album was released together with the Swedish...

VMP admin
Nov 30, 2014
Roni Sauaf
Roni Sauaf is actually the singer of Brazilian band KATTAH produced by Roy Z (Rob Halford, Bruce Dickinson, Rob Rock, Tribe of Gypsies)....

VMP admin
Dec 30, 2013
Mark Boals
Mark Boals is an American rock singer, noted most for his work with Yngwie J. Malmsteen, Ring of Fire, Royal Hunt. As a young child he...
VMP admin
Dec 28, 2013
Suggest your artist!
Which Metal musician/singer would you like to be part of the Vivaldi Metal Project? Leave your opinion on our Facebook page. It’s your...
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