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VMP admin
Jul 17, 2015
Alberto Rigoni (co-producer and bass)
Alberto Rigoni is an Italian bass player and composer, internationally known for his career as a solo artist and as a member of the...

VMP admin
Jul 12, 2015
Fabio D’Amore
Fabio D’Amore is the Bass player for Symphonic Metal band SERENITY, a sound engineer/studio manager, songwriter, and music teacher. He...

VMP admin
Jan 26, 2015
Steve Di Giorgio
Steve Di Giorgio is an American bassist and musician who has played bass guitar in heavy metal bands such as Death, Autopsy, Control...

VMP admin
Jan 16, 2015
Giovanni Tomassucci
Giovanni Tomassucci is an Italian guitar player. He started playing guitar when he was 13 years old and then, six years later, he started...

VMP admin
Dec 27, 2014
Andreas Passmark
Andreas Passmark is bass player in Royal Hunt and Narnia. His interest in music started early as he began to play cello at the age of 7...

VMP admin
Mar 7, 2014
Dino Fiorenza
Dino Fiorenza is an Italian rock-virtuoso bass player which performed with some of the greatest artists all over the world such as: Steve...

VMP admin
Feb 8, 2014
Alberto Rigoni speaks about VMP
Vivaldi Metal Project’s co-producer Alberto Rigoni talks about the project. Rock on! #AlbertoRigoni #bassist #interview #VivaldiMetalProject

VMP admin
Jan 5, 2014
Mike Lepond
Michael Anthony LePond is the bass guitar player of the North American progressive metal band Symphony X. Also is the bassist for Dead on...
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